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Bereavement and Loss

Having been a Cruse Bereavement Volunteer for the last two years I have worked firsthand with the complex and sometimes life changing effects of grief and loss.

Although grief is present throughout all our lives and a natural response to bereavement and loss, living with grief may be one of the hardest challenges people face.

Different Types of Loss

Bereavement is the experience of the death of someone who is important to us and is considered the ultimate loss. However, loss and grief also occur without a death. The breakdown of relationships, divorce, employment changes, children leaving home, retirement, financial losses, debilitating illness, or the transition of life stages also leaves people grieving a loss. These all have intangible losses which are not always so easily recognised by society. The loss of dreams, a future, a past that we wished we'd had, self-worth and self-esteem that seems will never be the same again.

For some people, grieving openly may not be possible. There may be social stigma or circumstances that prevent this.

The Grieving Process

Grief is unique to each person. A unique experience shaped by our lived experiences, beliefs, values, and the kind of relationship that we have lost. The grieving process is often confusing, conflicting, and lonely, experienced in the mind, body, and soul. A mixture of complex and painful emotions can be present. Sadness, anger, guilt, loneliness, and anxiety are natural feelings; however, they can be overwhelming. Feeling completely shocked and numb can also be experienced.

A psychological loss that affects our sense of security, identity, hope for the future, and overall well-being can persist, making it seem our entire world is crashing down on us. Many people experience physical symptoms including tiredness, lack of cognition or concentration after a bereavement or loss. Grief affects so many distinct aspects of ourselves and our lives.

The Consequences of Loss and Grief

 Loss and grief can turn our world upside down. The normality we once knew shattered, leaving us feeling confused, isolated and with nowhere to turn to. Life can become a turmoil of overwhelming emotions and our ability to function and live normally is affected. Many people question if they are grieving the right way when friends and relatives try to help by giving advice and saying what is best. There is no right way to grieve, only what is right for you.

People experience the grieving process in a myriad of diverse ways. Some witness themselves moving through the stages of grief, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance as they process and attempt to adjust to a new life. Other people experience a deep yearning and immense sadness in the aftermath of experiencing a loss. Many people think they are going crazy and do not understand how natural their feelings and thoughts are.

How Can Counselling Help

​Counselling provides a caring, confidential, and safe space to explore any painful thoughts and feelings freely. Talking can help process your feelings, explore where and why certain feelings are present. My aim is to support you with compassion and acceptance. To support you while you to try to make sense of what you are going through. Support you to find time and patience for yourself to adjust to a world that no longer makes sense. Help you find your path and grieve in way that is right for you. It's often said that grief never goes away, we just learn how to live and rebuild a life around it. Reaching out for support after experiencing a bereavement or loss can help us to cope during one of our toughest of times. Losses both past and present can have a massive impact on our wellbeing, I'm here to listen and support you in your time of hurt and pain.

If you feel that support or someone to talk to would be helpful, please feel free to contact me to see if Bereavement Counselling can help you.

You can either call me on 07360287003, if I am unable to take your call feel free to leave a message on my confidential voice mail and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

or use the contact form on this website. I will respond as soon as possible.

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